Saturday October 4th was a Royal Feast of that which perisheth not, yea our souls did delight in Fatness of the Word of God and Spirit of the Holy Ghost did fill us and give us energy and strength. What a Joy to know that the Creator of the Universe remembers and loves the people on this Third Planet, and as a loving Father he loves and directs His Children still today.
I wish I had to time to elaborate and share with those I love. But the Mission calls and I must obey.
We just finished the last session, and it was great! This was our first year to watch it on the internet and it went surprisingly well. Great talks and great messages all around.
I liked the comment about Heavenly Father liking the people on the "3rd planet" and right below that blog is a picture of "space aliens". Is there something you know that we don't???????
I agree it was such a good time!! I am soo happy that we have this technology!! i have already watched conference again online in ASL!! it was awesome! WE LOVE AND MISS YOU!!!
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